he Effects of Alohol on the Human Brain or the effects of Drugs on the brain. up to you!
Paper details:
the textbook must be used as one of the 4 sources so the website for the book is http://www.cengagebrain.com and the email address is: ahemmah@gmail.com, password: Lilhammer89! here are the following assignment instructions *Cover Page -Provide a Cover page using APA Style. *Topic How Alcohol effects the brain or The effects of Drugs on the Brain -Describe the topic and identify the main points using the terms and concepts identified in the textbook and Scholarly, peer reviewed articles. -Describe an example -Explain how this topic is relevant to your life and/or the lives of others *Theories -Apply two of the major psychological theories to the topic and explain how the theories fit with the topic. Use specific examples from the textbook, research. *Analysis -Analyze the topic information, theories, and research. Explain the consistencies and inconsistencies you found. -Compare and contrast two or more concepts or theories as they relate to the topic. *Conclusion -Summarize the important ideas you got from reading, research, and writing the paper. -Describe how you will use the information in the future as it relates to your personal and professional life (if nothing els just make something up). *Reference list -Sources in the appropriate APA citation format – you must use 4 sources one being the text book and 3 Scholarly resources My name is Alex Hemmah, and I thank you for doing this assignment for me! ** this paper does not need any graphs of charts or anything like that and of course cover page and reference page are separate from the 5 page paper i